
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hidden Lake and Handsome Boys!

Hello everybody! I'm sorry that I haven't been around much lately... Ellie and I have been pretty busy with training and stuff. It was a really nice day today so we were finally able to go back to the Boise Greenbelt again! This time, we went in the opposite direction, and we found some cool stuff! Come with me, and I will show you!

We found a little trail back behind some trees and decided to follow it. I was so excited that I forgot some of my training, and started pulling on the leash a bit! Oops! Here's a little video to show you part of the trail. It's kind of a boring video, actually... but it gives you an idea of where we went.

Right after we stopped taking this video, we went around a corner... and found a lake! We had no idea that it was there! It is a lot bigger than it looks in this picture and video.

After that, we sat on the side of the trail for a bit, trying to decide where to go next.

Then, something caught my attention...

Well, hello handsome!

I found out that his name is Roscoe, and he's the same age as me! He's also quite the gentleman... he even gave me a kiss!

After we said our goodbyes, we went back down to the lake and found some ducks...

... and some strange creatures that Ellie tells me are called geese. They make really funny noises!

Further down the trail, we saw the river again. Check out the power of the water! Ellie wouldn't let me get a closer look, even though I promised that I would be careful. Scaredy cat!

On the way back, we ran into another handsome boy! This is Smokey, a 9 year old wolf-hybrid. Ellie tells me he's 75% wolf, 25% malamute. I'm not really sure what that means, but I know that he's 100% HANDSOME!

After we got back to the car, I decided to take a minute and enjoy the new spring grass in the best way I know how!

I had so much fun today! I can't wait to go back! I even got tons better at sitting politely while other dogs are passing! It's really difficult for me to sit quietly when they pass, because I either want to say hello, or I want to warn Ellie that someone is coming! Ellie says I get better and better every time I go. She uses something called "classical conditioning" to help me associate passing dogs with good things, like treats or praise! She has me sit when she sees a dog coming, and holds a treat in front of my nose. She makes sure that I'm facing the other dog, so I can see the dog and the treat at the same time. As long as I have a calm response when the dog passes, she gives me the treat. I love it! All I have to do is sit quietly to get food! 

I can't decide who was more handsome... Roscoe or Smokey? I like them both!


  1. Dear Treasure,

    Thank you very much for your lovely comment - you sure are very handsome ! I love little doggies like you, I always want to go and see them, but most of the time they don't really like me and don't want me anywhere near them :-( I'm sure you would, though !

    Walk a great walk you went on, we loved watching the videos, it was like we were going with you ! hehe

    Talk to you soon!


  2. Hi Treasure, what a beautiful walk you had and what a little flirt. Fancy letting Roscoe give you a quick kiss. You are cheeky. Thanks for the videos too. No worries, love Carol.

  3. Carol from Down UnderApril 22, 2011 at 2:34 AM

    Hi Treasure, just trying to get my comment name right. Carol.

  4. Treasure the DachshundApril 23, 2011 at 2:53 PM

    Thank you! Of course I would love to meet you! I used to have two Great Dane friends before we moved. Their names were Diesel and Jasmine, and I would always lay between Diesel's front paws! Thanks for stopping by!

    ~Treasure the Dachshund

  5. Treasure the DachshundApril 23, 2011 at 2:54 PM

    Hi Carol! Hey, he was really handsome! I couldn't say no! :)

    ~Treasure the Dachshund

  6. Hi Treasure - what a gorgeous walk! LOved all the pictures!! And it looks like you made two very cute new boyfriends too! :-) is full of tough choices...! Hee! Hee!

    Honey the Great Dane

  7. Treasure the DachshundApril 23, 2011 at 10:09 PM

    Hello Honey! Yes, I did make some very cute boyfriends! I'll probably never see them again, though... we don't know how to contact them. Maybe we will run into them again on our walk! Thanks for stopping by!

    ~Treasure the Dachshund


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